A general dentist is a dentist who treats the entire family from toddlers up to the elderly. A general dentist will diagnose dental problems and either treat in the office or refer to the appropriate specialist. · Top Five Policies For Your Employee Office Manual. Sept. 1, Creating an employee office manual may seem like an overwhelming experience, but you have more knowledge than you realize. · AGD Foundation. Established in , the AGD Foundation aims to improve the oral health of the public and support the efforts of the general dentist and AGD. Find out how you can lend your support. “I attend the AGD scientific session for quality continuing education and to learn and share with the best dentists in the world.”.
The UCLA School of Dentistry (SOD) Infection Control Manual provides the guidelines 1 General Update Sandra Laderas risks of bloodborne disease transmission have kept the topic of dental office infection control in the forefront. While certain aspects of this concern represent fears over the. dental office. HOURS OF BUSINESS The dental office's general hours of business are ___ a.m. to ___ p.m. Monday through Friday, and ___ a.m. to ___ p.m. Saturday. Individual work assignments vary. PERFORMANCE OF WORK An employee is expected to perform all assigned tasks which the employee is qualified, competent and legally authorized to perform. The dentist manual is an important resource for dentists and CDAs new to the College. The manual includes standards and guidelines that provide essential information about regulatory requirements. Registrants are required to be familiar with these documents. Inside the Dentist Manual.
the issue should be brought to Dr. Hill or the designated Office Management. Playhouse Dental reserves the right to take action when an employee’s on- or off-duty conduct impacts its business. For example, whether or not employees are on duty, employees may not accept gifts from our vendors that are outside of Playhouse Dental’s guidelines. Dental Office General Policy Manual Supplies the policies needed to avoid future upsets and problems between you and your staff. Policies on vacations, termination, sick days, acceptable and unacceptable conduct are all part of the General Policy Manual. "I bought your dental office manuals several years ago. They were tremendous." - Dr. Bernie. Once you have reviewed the manuals and personalized the contents, you will have a solution for competently dealing with the majority of employee-related concerns in your dental office. You’ll also have written documentation to consistently support each situation, which will alleviate you from continually rendering opinions.